As per World Green Building Council, “a ‘green’ building is a building that, in its design, construction or operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive impacts, on our climate and natural environment.” Green buildings aim to preserve natural resources while simultaneously improving our quality of life.

In India, Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) evaluates the environmental performance of a building holistically over its entire life cycle, thereby providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a ‘green building’.  They award credits for optional building features that support green design in categories such as location and maintenance of building site, conservation of water, energy, and building materials, and occupant comfort and health. GRIHA attempts to minimize a building’s resource consumption, waste generation, and overall ecological impact to within certain nationally acceptable limits / benchmarks.


Energy Efficiency:
Green building aims to install energy efficient lighting system in buildings. Moreover, it makes use of natural light from the sun such that there is daylight energy saving by less use of artificial lighting system.

Renewable Energy:
India being a tropical country receives ample amount of sunlight. Use of rooftop solar panels in the buildings help to garner this energy and makes building self sufficient in energy. Solar energy can be used for lighting, as water heaters and street lighting around the building. This helps save energy as well as electricity bill of the consumers.

Sustainable Material:
Green buildings may incorporate sustainable materials in their construction. This includes use of reused and recycled content. Green Cement are now used for sustainable construction. Also, mechanised construction and use of Pre-fabricated materials ensures resource optimisation and reduce wastage.

Efficient use of Water Resources:
Water scarcity and quality is a major issue in urban regions. Green building promotes use of water harvesting techniques such as rooftop rainwater harvesting and water recycling. Moreover, water purification system is installed within the compound so that used water is purified locally. Also, pits for ground water recharge are made to maintain and increase the groundwater availability in the region.

Consideration of Environment in Design:
The design of the building must be made in such a way so that it harnesses maximum sunlight. This ensures maximum use of natural light as well as heat conservation during winter which results in less use of heaters. Moreover, proper ventilation should be ensured for air circulation and fresh air entry into the house. Further, areas around the house can have plants for air purification and green aesthetics.


Understanding the huge potential of Green Building in changing the urban and semi-urban landscape, offers sustainable building construction right from design to delivery of house to its clients.

Some of the green initiatives of are discussed in the following points:

Energy efficient lighting system: makes use of best quality power system installation. The five-star rating system ensures that there is efficient use of energy. It ties up with the companies which offers energy saving devices in the newly constructed buildings. This also leads to lower electricity bill for the consumers and less pollution in the environment. Customers can select the choice of energy system installation from the website of

Harnessing Solar Power:
Rooftop solar powers systems are installed at the buildings by This is used for solar lighting, water heating and heaters. This leads to energy saving, reduction in pollution and lower electricity bill for the consumers.

Water Efficiency & wastewater management: offers water efficiency by construction of rainwater harvesting system at rooftops as well as water storage pits for groundwater recharge. Clients can opt for installation of such system as it leads to water efficiency and waste water management while additionally recharging the ground water.

Sustainable Design:
The FREE DESIGN offered by to its clients are from the experts who helps clients design of green buildings for their dream house. This ensures including features of renewable energy, waste management and proper use of natural resources in the buildings.

Expert Advice in Planning:
The team of experts available with the is at the service of customers to help them ensure sustainability and energy saving in entire process of construction cycle. They help clients from efficient designing, to sustainable material selection, to efficient power system installation.

As a result of above initiatives, was among the top 3 winners of the prestigious GRIHA Awards for designing Green Building in India.

India offers a huge potential in green building construction. With abundant solar energy and rainfall, there is great opportunity to harness them for construction of sustainable buildings. Moreover, government orientation to green shift and subsidies to promote green buildings will go a long way to create more such structures. It reduces pollution and helps in optimum resource utilisation. This will generate a healthy lifestyle and quality life for the individual while ensuring meeting of Sustainable Development Goals target of the nation.

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With the idea of promoting sustainable livelihood offers use of renewable resource in construction, waste minimisation in construction, consideration of environment in Design and promote energy and water-use efficiency thus promoting construction of Green Building for its clients.